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My Services: Trust and Estate Planning

Originally Posted 6/10/22

Welcome to this week's blog post. I want to highlight some of my services. As a mobile Notary Public, I work in many specialties, and today I want to talk about Trust and Estate packages.

We have all gone through the pandemic. With this never-ending pandemic forcing us to witness a mass amount of loss in our lives, it's not a surprise many people have been thinking about and preparing their wills, trusts, POAs, Medical directives, and estate plans. The pandemic forced a lot of our hands, but the truth is, estate planning and making plans on what your loved ones should do or where your children are going in the worst-case scenario is the responsible thing to do.

To be very clear- I am not a lawyer and am prohibited from giving you legal advice, which is not what this blog post is about. I want to share how I can help you and your clients when it's time to sign that dotted line.

As a mobile notary, the basic level of my service is that I come to you. Or I go to your client's homes, medical facilities, and even county jail, and I can also meet them at their attorney's offices. However, I have found that most people prefer to be in their homes when signing and to have these documents notarized, making it easy and comfortable for all involved.

The types of documents I have encountered and specialized in are vast. However, I will list the most common type of estate planning documents here:

General, Medical, and Financial Power of Attorney

Quit Claim Deed

Deed of Trust

Medical Health Care Directive

Some asset assignment documents

I have enjoyed assisting in over a hundred of these signings. Some were entire packages, often piecemeal documents—one or two documents instead of the whole package.

Ensuring that I provide expert and compassionate services is the utmost priority of my business. Over the last two years, I have learned that I am not always seeing clients on their best days. I did many power of attorney signings at the death bed of covid patients. No one signing is like another, so professionalism, expert knowledge, and compassion are always required in your notary.

Some of the extra services I provide for these clients is a split signing. Perhaps the two or three people required to sign the documents can't be in the same place simultaneously. If I can meet all parties on the same day, I will go between locations to complete the package correctly and promptly.

I am happy to serve you or your clients when a notary is needed during an estate planning package signing or with documents that need my stamp. I am just a call away, or you can book me directly here.

Thank you for stopping by and taking a moment to read my post today. I welcome any questions via email, text, or call. All my contact info is below.

Till Next Time-

Jennifer Cooper- JKC Mobile Notary

Email: jcooper@jkcmobilenotary.com

Text or Call:559-212-4706